January 23, 2010
TONY Abbott has warned that the rise of ethnic gangs and perceptions of ethnic street crime threaten public support for immigration, and said Australians should be especially concerned if Indians are victims of racially motivated crime.
The Opposition Leader also challenged ethnic leaders to show greater respect for Australian values, in a speech supporting population growth, immigration, and a strong border-protection policy.
''It would help to bolster public support for immigration and acceptance of social diversity if more minority leaders were as ready to show to mainstream Australians values the respect they demand for their own,'' he told an Australia Day function in Melbourne last night.
He said for all the misguided and sometimes cruel treatment of Aborigines, the ethnic typecasting and occasional snobbery that still existed, Australia had rarely seen domestic discrimination based on race or culture.
His remarks about violence against Indians echoed this week's concerns from former defence chief Peter Cosgrove, who said it was ''a major problem''.
Mr Abbott said the last thing any Australian would want would be to make recent immigrants feel unwelcome, and expressed concern at the possibility Indians had become the victims of racially motivated crime.
''This would be worse than a law enforcement problem. It would be an affront to our self-perception as a society where people are judged on their merits rather than on their skin colour,'' he said.
''Conversely, the rise of ethnic gangs and perception of ethnic street crime threaten the understanding that migration should be overwhelmingly a net benefit to Australia''.
He said that despite the success of immigration, it regularly featured on issues that concerned people. He identified three reasons: unauthorised boat arrivals had raised fears that Australian borders were again uncontrolled; some recent immigrants seemed resistant to Australian notions of equality; and concern about the natural and built environment coping with the pressure.
''There is, I suspect, an anxiety that the great prize of Australian citizenship is insufficiently appreciated and given away too lightly,'' he said.
He admitted many continued to be dismayed by what they saw as the harsh treatment of boat people, and that it was ''far from obvious how to strike a judicious balance''.
But ''a strong border protection border policy is perfectly consistent with a large and inclusive immigration policy.
''In fact, its probably essential if the public is to be convinced that Australia's policy is run by the Government rather than by people smugglers''.
He said Australians made few demands of its immigrants. ''There is no ideal of Australian-ness to which they are expected to conform. There is no expectation [they] will lose their affection for their country of birth.
''A corollary of our non-discriminatory immigration program is our requirement that Australians should treat other Australians with respect even when they disagree with them''.
The immigration rate should depend on the strength of the economy, the confidence of our society and readiness of potential migrants to make a commitment to their new country.
''My instinct is to extend to as many people as possible the freedom and benefits of life in Australia,'' Mr Abbott said. ''A larger population will bring that about provided that it's also a more productive one''.
But he warned against stifling debate on population policy in the way concerns about immigration sometimes had been. Population growth had ramifications for so many other policies, such as whether it was realistic to meet substantial emission reduction targets, that debate should not be shut down despite some people's fears it might be code for hostility to immigration.
The Age