sábado, 27 de fevereiro de 2010

"Formosa Betrayed" from Taiwanese offspring hits US

Taiwan News, Staff Writer 

“Formosa Betrayed,” a movie about the 228 event and the “White Terror Era” in Taiwan, will be put on stage in US from Feb. 26 to 28.

Producer Will Tiao noted that he is glad to see this movie concerning the sensitive issues published in US at a press conference, adding that it is the first time a movie featuring Taiwan politics hitting US theaters, which is meaningful amid Beijing’s anger over US arms sales with Taiwan.

Tiao noted as a second-generation offspring educated as a Taiwanese from childhood, he is unwilling to see the past and history of Taiwan is gradually forgotten. Therefore he spent five years with a total investment of US$6 million from overseas compatriots to make this movie.

Tiao added Taiwan’s voice is always not heard in the relationship between US, China and Taiwan in American mainstream media, hoping that this movie might arouse more concern from Americans for the Pacific island – Formosa.

Taiwan News Online