terça-feira, 16 de março de 2010

Cheryl Cole and 'jealous' Nadine Coyle to cause end of Girls Aloud?

Cheryl Cole and Nadine Coyle are set to send Girls Aloud into turmoil as reported jealousy and bitter sniping is tearing the group apart, it has been claimed

Nadine is said to be ‘jealous’ of Cheryl’s solo career since her debut album 3Words stormed the British charts to the number one position.
Sources told heat magazine that Coyle is annoyed at Cheryl’s ‘manipulation’ of the media and that Nadine ‘thinks Cheryl is milking the whole situation surrounding her at the moment’.
Last May the band decided to take one year out and work on solo projects. Nadine has been in LA where she has opened a bar - Nadine’s Irish Mist - while also working on lyrics for her debut album that is yet to be released.
The feisty lady will have seen how well Cheryl, 26, has done not only in the music industry but also with X Factor and advertising campaigns.
However a friend of Nadine told the magazine: ‘Nadine tries to keep very private and believes that her success will come through her talent and not any kind of media circus which might surround someone’s private life’.
It’s no secret who this source is referring to.
According to the same source, the starlet also is said to believe that she has always had the best voice in the band and thinks her music alone will shine through as opposed to Cheryl who she feels was helped along by endless pursuits of the media.
But with only three months left until the Girls Aloud break is supposed to end, Coyle, 24, doesn’t have much time left to promote her music.
The leggy lady has been living in California since 2007. She is said to have worked with Robbie Williams, song writing genius Guy Chambers and producer William Orbit whose past conquests include Madonna and Pink.
Last month when Cheryl fled to LA it was reported that California-based Nadine snubbed her former band mate and gave her no shoulder to cry on despite the public marriage breakdown her ‘friend’ was suffering.
One of Cheryl’s biggest favours is how the female public feel they can relate to her as a ‘real woman’. Nadine has put herself on a strict diet plan – despite this week alone being photographed looking dangerously skinny. If she wants to secure a strong fan base, making her image unobtainable and unhealthy may not be the best way to go.
In addition, friends of the stunning Girls Aloud believe she is ‘under so much pressure’ to be as successful as her WAG band mate.
Despite these rumours of the Cheryl and Nadine war, last month Nadine silenced the first claims the pair had fallen out by tweeting: ‘Def not the case. I’ve written a song I’d love for us to duet on. Stay tuned’.
A spokesman for Miss Coyle has denied there is any bad feeling between the two singers.