sexta-feira, 12 de março de 2010

Soldiers transition Haiti responsibilities to U.N. forces

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (Army News Service, March 10, 2010) -- More than 470 soldiers from the 2nd Brigade Special Troops Battalion, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division will depart Haiti Thursday after completing their relief missions in support of Operation Unified Response.

Operating primarily in the Petionville, Tabarre and Delmas areas, the "Green Falcons," provided security and assisted non-Governmental organizations in the distribution of rations at two key distribution points.

Last week, Nepalese and Jordanian forces and the Catholic Relief Services, who will continue to support international relief efforts in the area, assumed responsibility for the distribution points.

The paratroopers deployed to Haiti on Jan. 16 and distributed more than 11,909 liters of water, 370,172 meals, and provided medical care for more than 1,600 patients during the deployment.

"This was a great example of how the global response force was able to respond to a crisis and support U.S. interest and priorities. Our Soldiers took great pride in representing the United States in this humanitarian aid mission," said Lt. Col. Keith Pellegrini, commander of the 2nd Brigade Special Troops Battalion.

The Green Falcons also played a key role in supporting Haiti's resettlement efforts by removing rubble throughout the Port-au-Prince area clearing approximately 60 blocks. In addition, they issued 2,000 tarps for shelter, and in coordination with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Navy structural engineers, helped inspect 50 structures allowing families to return to their homes.

"I'm glad we came down here. It's been an opportunity," said Spc. Olivia Jackson, a human resource specialist with 2nd Brigade Special Troops Battalion, of Bronx, N.Y. "It's one thing to shoot and fire your weapon, but taking part in the humanitarian aid effort is the other side of the Army".

U.S. Army