quarta-feira, 7 de abril de 2010

Man arrested for calls to Pelosi

By Domenico Montanaro

From NBC's Pete Williams

Law enforcement officials say a northern California man has been arrested for making harassing and obscene phone calls to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

This is different than yesterday's case, when a Washington state man was accused of the more serious charge of threatening Sen. Patty Murray.
*** UPDATE *** While the charges are under seal, a federal official says the man will be charged with violating a federal law against making calls "to annoy, abuse, threaten, or harass any person at the called number or who receives the communications".
The charge carries a maximum two-year sentence.
"The calls were so numerous," one official says, "the decision was made that something had to be done".
AP adds that "Several federal officials say the man made dozens of calls to Pelosi's homes in California and Washington, as well as to her husband's business office, reciting her home address and saying if she wanted to see it again, she would not support the health care overhaul bill that was recently enacted. One official said the man is believed to have spoken directly with Pelosi at least once".