quarta-feira, 21 de abril de 2010

Michael Douglas's son is jailed

Michael Douglas's son has been sentenced to five years in prison on drug charges, with a New York judge calling it his "last chance to make it".
Judge Richard Berman announced the sentence after hearing Cameron Douglas ask for mercy as his Academy Award-winning father and mother, Diandra, listened behind him in a packed courtroom.
"I'd like to apologise to my family and my loved ones for putting them through this nightmare of my making," said the 31-year-old, who admitted to dealing methamphetamine and cocaine. He had faced a 10-year term.
The self-confessed heroin addict also was ordered to forfeit 300,000 dollars. A pre-sentence report listed his net worth as 500,000 dollars.
As they left federal court in Manhattan, Michael Douglas and his ex-wife had to fight through a writhing mass of photographers to reach a waiting SUV.
Early in a sentencing hearing that stretched more than an hour, the judge described how Cameron Douglas had abused drugs since age 13 and noted that he had been sober in prison since last August, his longest drug-free stint since his teenage years.
He noted that he had read at least 37 letters of support from family - including his film legend grandfather, Kirk, stepmother Catherine Zeta-Jones and NBA executive Pat Riley - friends and supporters who "believe he has finally bottomed out in terms of his addiction and may be ready to turn his life around".
But Berman also expressed doubt Cameron Douglas would turn his back on drugs after pleading guilty in January to conspiracy to distribute drugs.
Daily Mirror