sexta-feira, 23 de abril de 2010

Sandra Bullock will return her Razzie

By Keith Staskiewicz,

( -- Sandra Bullock was recently asked to return the Razzie she picked up for her rather ignominious turn in "All About Steve".
Apparently, since the awards show coordinators didn't know she was going to show up in person to receive her award, they had to give her the original Razzie prototype instead of the cheap $5 knockoff "winners" usually get, and now they want it back.
What should have been a quiet little exchange turned into a minor frenzy over nothing much at all, thanks to tabloid press, but the issue may finally be put to rest now Bullock's rep has told E! News that the Oscar-winner will indeed be returning her less-than-honorary award.
"We were never contacted by them to return the Razzie," Bullock's publicist, Cheryl Maisel, told E!. "I contacted them yesterday to check the validity of the story and was only told then that we had been given the wrong award. We will be returning the Razzie to them shortly".
My question is: Isn't this the one award which you'd be more than happy for someone to rescind? Does this brief kerfuffle, out of the harsh glare of awards season and with a newly super-sympathetic Bullock, make you reconsider the choice of her as Razzies' Worst Actress? Any other candidates you think deserved it more?