terça-feira, 25 de maio de 2010

Flight chaos volcano stops spewing ash

By Thair Shaikh, CNN

London, England (CNN) -- The Icelandic volcano that has been disrupting thousands of flights with its ash plume has significantly reduced in activity, according to the Icelandic Meteorological Office.
No ash was detected from the Eyjafjallajokul volcano on Sunday in a flight over the crater by Icelandic scientists.
Jonsson Thorsteinn, an Icelandic Met Office forecaster, told CNN: "The volcano appears to be dormant, the activity has been going down for the last two days and at the moment there is nothing coming out... no magma".
Measurements with a heat camera from the test flight indicated that the temperature at the crater was just under 100°C, confirming that the volcano was now spouting steam instead of ash, Thorsteinn said.
Steinunn Jakobsdottir, a geophysicist with the Icelandic Met Office, told CNN: "Seismic activity is down, there is still some background rumbling but it is much calmer". Link