sexta-feira, 21 de maio de 2010

Intelligence director knew his days were numbered

WASHINGTON — For months, National Intelligence Director Dennis Blair has been a dead man walking — and he knew it. So constant and vicious were the leaks from the White House and Congress of his imminent departure that he opened a recent speech on intelligence reform with a joke that his replacement would be Redskins quarterback Donovan McNabb.
The crowd's laughter was just a little uncomfortable, as Blair himself spotlighted the elephant in the room by suggesting that even the just-traded NFL star was being mentioned to fill the job.
Everyone seemed to know this just wasn't working.
His 16-month tenure had been studded with public intelligence failures, turf wars and that uniquely inside-the-Beltway ritual humiliation via leaks to the press.
Blair's official decision to step down came Thursday after an Oval office meeting with President Barack Obama, according to two senior congressional staffers. They said it became clear by the end of the meeting that Blair had "lost the confidence of the president."
In a message to his work force, Blair said his last day would be May 28.
"It is with deep regret that I informed the president today that I will step down as director of national intelligence," Blair said.
Obama released a brief statement Thursday night that did not acknowledge Blair's impending resignation. >>>