terça-feira, 1 de junho de 2010

Memorial Day ceremony honors veterans for service

Annual event draws residents, political leaders to Boulder City

By Tiffany Gibson

About 20,000 small American flags marked the burial plots of veterans at the Southern Nevada Veterans Memorial Cemetery on Monday for Memorial Day.
Residents walked through rows of plots to find their loved ones and placed fresh flowers next to the flags. Tom May, 67, sat on the grass next to his brother’s grave with his fiancée, Isabelle LaPorta, and their dog Luca.
“We come here every year,” LaPorta said. “It’s very moving and inspirational”.
Tom’s brother Robert was an Air Force veteran who served in Vietnam. He died in 1996 of heart failure at the age of 57. He wasn’t enlisted in the military at the time of his death, but Tom and Isabelle said they visit the site to remember his service to the country.
Nevada’s congressional delegation spent the day at the cemetery to remember veterans and active troops during the annual Memorial Day ceremony in Boulder City.