sábado, 12 de junho de 2010

Necas names six people he wants for Czech ODS deputy heads-press

Prague - Czech Civic Democrat (ODS) acting head Petr Necas, who will seek the post of chairman next weekend, has told the dailies Mlada fronta Dnes and Pravo that he would like David Vodrazka, Alexandr Vondra, Pavel Blazek, Miroslava Nemcova, Jiri Pospisil and Pavel Drobil to become the party´s deputy chairpersons.

"Each of them would definitely be a contribution for the new ODS leadership," said Necas, whose ODS ended strong second in the late May election and who is expected to be the new prime minister.
The ODS will elect a new party leadership at the national conference in Prague on June 19-20.
Necas said that voters have sent a clear message to the ODS, whose election gain sharply declined compared the previous mid-2006 polls, that changes in the party, including personnel, are necessary.
"We must become a trustworthy party in order to resume our position of the key political force on the right wing of the Czech political scene. The demand that new people join the ODS leadership and that the leadership should undergo a profound personnel change is understandable," Necas told Pravo.
Pravo points out that Necas does not mention current ODS deputy chairmen Petr Bendl, Ivan Langer and Petr Gandalovic.