sábado, 12 de junho de 2010

Sheriff's deputies make migrant raids on Sizzlers

Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio's deputies on Saturday served search warrants on two Sizzler steak houses in Phoenix suspected of employing illegal immigrants.

According to a statement from the Sheriff's Office, deputies were looking for approximately 25 workers who are believed to have used fraudulent identification to gain employment.

The restaurants are at 5060 W. Indian School Road. and 10460 N. 28th Drive, the statement said.

Investigators were tipped off by a former manager who claims he was fired by the restaurant for being unwilling to hire employees without proper identification, the Sheriff's Office said in its statement.

He was reportedly offered three months severance for not going to law enforcement, the Sheriff's Office said.

When asked about the raids, an employee answering the phone at the Sizzler location near the Metrocenter Mall said, "We're not interested in a (newspaper) subscription" and ended the call.