segunda-feira, 7 de junho de 2010

Somali refugees observe World Environment Day

Jijjiga, June 7 (WIC) – Somali refugees sheltered in Kebribeyah Refugee Camp in Somali state on Sunday observed this year’s World Environment Day by transplanting tree seedlings and carrying out a clean-up campaign.

Eastern Region Refugees Programme Coordinator with the Administration for Refugees and Returnees Affairs (ARRA), Getachew Geremew, on the occasion said collective efforts are vital to protect the environment and biodiversity.
He said refugees therefore need to contribute share in the efforts being made to protect the environment by transplanting tree seedlings and disposing waste materials that pollute the environment.
Kebribeyah Refugee Camp Coordinator, Yohannes Assefa, on his part said that 17,000 tree seedlings will be transplanted by the refugees on four hectares of land.
According to Yohannes, there are 16,600 Somali refugees in Kebribeyah camp.