terça-feira, 27 de julho de 2010

Attorney in Iran stoning case remains missing

Tehran, Iran (CNN) -- An attorney representing an imprisoned Iranian woman facing possible execution by stoning remained missing Tuesday, although his wife and brother-in-law were in custody, a human rights activist said.
Mohammad Mostafaei's wife and brother-in-law were being held at Tehran's Evin prison, said Mina Ahadi, chairwoman of the International Committee against Execution and Stoning. Neither has had access to a lawyer, she said.
Mostafaei's father-in-law was contacted by officials Monday, who told him that both his children would be freed in exchange for Mostafaei himself, Ahadi said. She said Monday that Mostafaei's office has been closed.
Mostafaei represents Sakineh Mohammadie Ashtiani, who was convicted of adultery in 2006 and was originally sentenced to death by stoning. The sentence was put on hold earlier this month after an international outcry.
Protesters rallied worldwide Saturday in support of Ashtiani, pushing for her release.