segunda-feira, 26 de julho de 2010

'Internet is devil in our lives'

Parents need to tighten monitoring of children’s web browsing

Teenagers’ lack of awareness while browsing the internet can lead to serious crimes including kidnapping and abuse, police and educators warn.
Brigadier Khalil Ibrahim Al Mansoori, Director of Criminal Investigation Department at Dubai Police, has urged parents to tighten monitoring of their children’s internet browsing, whether through mobile phones, PSPs or DSs.
“If parents or teenagers come across websites that they think pose risks to their children, then they should immediately inform the CID and they will take actions against these websites,” said Brigadier Al Mansoori.
“We have closed many websites in the past after receiving complaints from families”.
A principal at a Dubai government high school has also warned parents to monitor teenagers aged between 13 and 17 years and prevent them from posting personal details online.
“Teens aged between 13 to 17 years face the most critical stage of their lives. If they pass this stage safely, then the majority of them will not face any problems in their future,” the principal said.
“The problem with teenagers is that they try to prove themselves by putting their personal details and pictures on the net.
“They are not aware of the problems this can lead to in the future. I advise parent to try to make them aware of these risks”.
The principal said the main problems occurred at home and in internet cafes rather than at school and teenagers were now able to easily break through proxies and access banned web sites. He also pointed out that the most problematic websites were those offering chat services.
“In the beginning, the relationships on most of these sites start as good friendships, but later on they can turn into trouble,” the principal said.
According to the principal, parents are the key players in prevention.

Emirates Business