terça-feira, 27 de julho de 2010

Russia welcomes Iran's willingness to hold talks on fuel exchange

Moscow has welcomed Iran's readiness to hold technical discussions on the supplying of 20%-enriched fuel for use in its Tehran scientific research reactor, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Tuesday.
On Monday, Tehran submitted a letter to IAEA Director General Yukio Amano, which expressed Iran's readiness to attend talks on providing fuel for Tehran's scientific reactor.
"We are prepared for this technical meeting. We reaffirm the importance of Brazil and Turkey's participation... The successful implementation of this scheme will help restore confidence that Iran's nuclear program has only peaceful purposes," the Ministry's department of information said in the statement.
Turkey, Brazil and Iran signed an agreement on May 17, dubbed the Tehran Declaration, in which Iran committed itself to giving 1,200 kg of its 3.5%-enriched uranium to Turkey in exchange for 20%-enriched uranium it would receive from Western countries to be used as fuel in the nuclear research reactor in Tehran.
RIA Novosti