terça-feira, 27 de julho de 2010

US Military Investigates Leaked Afghan War Documents

While enroute from Afghanistan to Iraq Tuesday, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen said he is "appalled" about the release of tens of thousands of Afghan war documents that have been posted on the Internet on the Wikileaks website.  He also told reporters on his aircraft that he is concerned the public release of raw intelligence could jeopardize troops operating in Afghanistan.

"I think sometimes people don't appreciate what kind of information could be out there that makes their job a lot more difficult and, in fact, could jeopardize their lives," said Mullen.

He emphasized the U.S. military will do everything possible to ensure there are not leaks like this one in the future.

Even before the documents were published, Mullen had expressed concern about some of what they allege, particularly the alleged support for some insurgent groups, including the Haqqani network, by Pakistan's intelligence service, the ISI.

"We are very focused on that network because it's doing so much damage to our efforts in Afghanistan," Mullen said. "And to the degree that anybody in Pakistan, military or ISI, is connected to that, that's unsatisfactory. That's unacceptable".

VOA News