sexta-feira, 13 de agosto de 2010

Florida confirms dengue fever case

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla., Aug. 13 (UPI) -- Health officials in Florida's Broward County say tests have confirmed the first known case of mosquito-borne dengue fever being contracted in the county.

An adult patient who had not been out of the county for weeks came down with the tropical disease this month, officials said Thursday, meaning Broward County is the second place in the continental United States, after Key West, where the disease exists, the South Florida Sun Sentinel reported.

In Key West, at least 53 cases have been reported since an outbreak there began in September.

But the new Broward case is the first time a person was infected by mosquitoes living in the county, authorities say. The viral disease causes severe headaches, fever, rashes, swollen glands and severe muscle and joint pain, and in some variations of the disease bleeding in the nose and gums, blood in feces and easy bruising, says

Health Department officials said the county would step up mosquito spraying and step up its message campaign to prevent bug bites, especially since Florida has already logged a few cases of other mosquito diseases such as West Nile virus. UPI