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Abdel Baset al Megrahi is the only person convicted for the 1988 bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland.
In 2001 a special Scottish court in the Netherlands ordered al Megrahi to serve 27 years in jail, but one year ago today Scotland's government freed him because he’s suffering from prostate cancer and was apparently in the last months of his life.
The British government urged Libya on Friday not to celebrate the anniversary of the convicted Lockerbie bomber's release, saying it would be "offensive and deeply insensitive to the victims' families." Last year at this time, al Megrahi returned to Libya greeted by celebrating crowds.
Tonight on Connect the World we look at the effects this story has had from Scotland to the U.S. to England and Libya, and we ask you: Was it right to free al Megrahi? Should society allow convicts to go free at the end if they suffer illnesses? Does the fact al Megrahi is still alive change your opinion from what when he was freed last year? CNN