domingo, 1 de agosto de 2010

Weather improves in Pakistan flood region

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan, Aug. 1 (UPI) -- Devastating rains in Pakistan slackened this weekend and the floods that killed some 1,100 people began to recede, government officials reported Sunday.

The improving weather conditions were making it easier for relief workers to get to more than 2,700 people still trapped some of the worst flooding in decades in Khyber Pakhtunkwa province.

The Pakistani military has 43 helicopters, 100 boats and thousands of soldiers taking part in the rescue effort. The United States has pitched in with supplies, water-filtration equipment and portable bridges to improve access to the area.

Dawn News Sunday reported the death toll is expected to rise as the flood waters recede and reveal more of the damage. Along with the loss of life, the floods destroyed homes and crops and put increased strain on a government that has been grappling with the world economic slump and the ongoing conflict with the Taliban.