French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner has said he is willing "to do anything" to save an Iranian woman facing a death sentence for adultery.
"If I must go to Tehran to save her, I'll go to Tehran," Mr Kouchner said of Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, who was sentenced to death by stoning in July.
Iran lifted the stoning sentence after an international outcry, but the mother of two could still be hanged.
Mr Kouchner was speaking after meeting one of Ms Ashtiani's lawyers in Paris.
Having spoken to Mohammad Mostafei, Mr Kouchner declared that Ms Ashtiani's case had become a "personal cause" for him.
On Sunday, the Vatican indicated that it was prepared to appeal diplomatically to Iran to spare Ms Ashtiani's life.
Spokesman Fr Federico Lombardi said in a statement that the Vatican was "following this affair with attention and commitment".
Fr Lombardi said the Vatican could use diplomatic channels to try to save Ms Ashtiani, but he told Associated Press news agency that no formal request to intervene had been made.
In an interview with the Italian news agency Adnkronos, Ms Ashtiani's son Sajad Ghaderzadeh appealed to Pope Benedict XVI and the Italian government to help save his mother's life.
Italy has strong economic relations with Iran.
Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini has appealed to Tehran to consider "an act of clemency".
BBC News