segunda-feira, 20 de setembro de 2010

Jim Swire meets Lockerbie bomber Megrahi in Libya

The father of a victim of the Lockerbie bombing has been to Libya to visit the only man convicted of the atrocity.
Dr Jim Swire spent about an hour with Abdelbaset al-Megrahi in a Tripoli hospital last week. He believes Megrahi is innocent and wants a full inquiry.
Dr Swire lost his 24-year-old daughter, Flora, in the 1988 bombing of Pan AM flight 103 over Lockerbie, which claimed 270 lives, mainly Americans.
He said the Libyan, who has prostate cancer, looked better than he expected.
Megrahi was released from Greenock prison on compassionate grounds last year.
Dr Swire, who lives in Chipping Campden in the Cotswolds, was invited to Libya by Megrahi.
The two men last met in December 2008 when Dr Swire visited him in Greenock prison.
Commenting on the Libyan meeting he said: "One of the reasons I went to see him at his request was that I wanted to find out what his position was on still fighting the case.
"We have a common interest; to have the verdict against him re-examined".
Dr Swire said the meeting was helpful because it became clear that Megrahi would not pursue attempts to clear his name.
"I think he's exhausted by the effort," he said.
"He made very clear that he didn't want to associate with the media - he would never under any circumstances return to Scotland, and who can blame him".
BBC News