terça-feira, 21 de setembro de 2010

Lockerbie bomber 'very sick,' victim's father says

London, England (CNN) -- Lockerbie bomber Abdelbeset al-Megrahi is "a very sick man," but there is no way to tell how long he will live, according to the father of one of the people who died in the 1988 bombing of Pan Am Flight 103.
Jim Swire, whose daughter Flora died in the terror attack, saw al-Megrahi a week ago in Libya, he said Tuesday.
He also criticized U.S. senators who tried to hold hearings this summer into questions surrounding the release of al-Megrahi.
He said he had written to them to say it was more important to let Scottish legal proceedings run their course, since a review commission had found possible miscarriages of justice in the case.
"They didn't want to know about that," he said of the senators, saying they had not replied to his letter.
The Scottish government released al-Megrahi from prison just over a year ago on the grounds that he had cancer and was not likely to live more than three more months.
Swire, who does not believe that al-Megrahi is guilty, defended the decision.
"At three months, just over half [of people with his cancer] would be dead," Swire said.