terça-feira, 21 de setembro de 2010

Muslims resolute on NYC mosque

NEW YORK, Sept. 21 (UPI) -- U.S. Muslim leaders want the planned Islamic center with a mosque near Ground Zero in New York to "reflect America," the head of an Islamic organization said.

The leaders say the issue has become a test of their First Amendment right to build mosques anywhere in the country, the Christian Science Monitor reported Monday.

"From the discussion we had with the developer, they are committing to expedite the process, of making sure this project is coherent, has an advisory board from the Muslim community so this project will reflect America in terms of its spirit and its look at the future," Zaheer Uddin, executive director of the Islamic Leadership Council in New York, said.

The Islamic leaders' resolve puts pressure on the Muslim developer of the property, Sharif El-Gamal, to go through with the project, the newspaper said. Others are offering lucrative bids to the developer.

Developer Donald Trump offered $6 million for the property, which was bought for almost $2 million less, the newspaper said.