quarta-feira, 22 de setembro de 2010

Report: Typhoon Fanapi kills 13 in China, leaves 34 missing

(CNN) -- Thirteen people have died and 34 are missing as heavy rains from typhoon Fanapi flood parts of southern China, state-run media said Wednesday.
Fanapi battered parts of Guangdong province on Tuesday, and has since been downgraded to a tropical depression.
There were five deaths in Xinyi city, three in Rupingtang township, three in Yangchun city, and two in Gaozhou city, according to China Daily.
Torrential rain led to flooding and landslides, toppled nearly 350 houses, burst a dam at a mine and caused an estimated $68.5 million in damage in Xinyi, China Daily reported.
In Yangchun City, flooding forced the evacuation of nearly 19,000 residents.
In Fujian province, Fanapi forced the relocation of thousands of people.