sexta-feira, 15 de outubro de 2010

Israel wants to build more housing on disputed land

Jerusalem (CNN) -- In a blow to efforts to keep direct negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians from faltering, the Israeli government is planning to construct new housing units in East Jerusalem, Israeli and U.S. sources confirmed Friday.
Israeli Army radio reported earlier that the Israeli Housing and Construction Ministry issued a bid for 238 houses as part of a larger tender for housing construction in the country. The report said Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was aware of the process, and that the American government had been notified.
Two U.S. officials, speaking on condition of not being identified by name, told CNN that Israel had notified the United States of the plan, but they added there was no agreement from Washington that it should go ahead. "This was in no way done with U.S. approval," one official said. "The government of Israel informed us to the intent to announce new tenders, and at every opportunity we urged the Israelis not to proceed".
An Israeli official speaking on condition of not being identified by name also said Israel told the United States of its intention.
A spokesman for Netanyahu would not comment on the report.
Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erakat condemned the move, saying that the Israeli prime minister has chosen "settlements over peace." "We hold him responsible for undermining the direct negotiations, and I call upon the U.S. and other members of the international community to condemn this act and to hold the Israeli government responsible for the derailment of the direct negotiations," Erakat said.