sexta-feira, 8 de outubro de 2010

Polanski victim 'very relieved' he wasn't extradited to U.S.

(CNN) -- Samantha Geimer, who was 13 when director Roman Polanski had unlawful sex with her in 1977, said she is "very relieved" that the filmmaker was not extradited from Switzerland.
Polanski was arrested in Switzerland last year on a U.S. fugitive warrant.
"I think they did the right thing," Geimer said in an exclusive interview with "Larry King Live," her first since the Oscar-winning filmmaker was arrested in September 2009. "I am happy they didn't extradite him. I don't want to see him go to trial".
Geimer said that she doesn't want to deal with the media circus that would surround Polanski's return to the U.S.
"If just the arrest brought such a ruckus into my life and into my backyard in a literal sense ... I'm sure his coming back would just be a thousand times worse".