sábado, 16 de outubro de 2010

'Taliban' kill woman accused of murdering mother-in-law

A woman accused of murdering her mother-in-law has been killed by Taliban in the eastern Afghan province of Ghazni, local officials say.
The mother-in-law was pushed into a bread oven by two of her daughters-in-law after a spat on Monday, they say.
The incident took place in the remote Abe Band district, 60km (37 miles) east of the provincial capital Ghazni City.
Officials say the Taliban have so far spared the life of the second daughter-in-law, as she is pregnant.
The names of the three women have not been released.
"There was a verbal clash between the daughters-in-law and the mother-in-law. The daughters-in-law threw her into the oven. She died of serious burns,'' one Afghan official told the BBC.
He said it appears that the family approached the Taliban after the incident.
BBC News