quinta-feira, 21 de outubro de 2010

Uganda political comic proves surprise hit with president

(CNN) -- Herbert Ssegujja has what some might consider a high-risk occupation -- making fun of Uganda's president.
A 26-year-old schoolteacher, Ssegujja is also one of Kampala's rising comedians and he has built a following with his comic impersonations.
"I started from mimicking other people; that's when I got the talent for mimicking," Ssegujja told CNN.
He now largely aims that talent at the political elite -- especially Ugandan president Yoweri Museveni.
"I just started mimicking the president because he was my best, he could easily be mimicked," said Ssegujja.
From the expressions and voice, to the stance and clothing, Ssegujja became well versed in all things Museveni.
"He [Museveni ] has unique trademarks," said Ssegujja. "For example, he uses his hat, then he has got some bit of stammering when he is speaking to people.
"Then he has got the trademark of keeping this hand at his side ... everything is just fun about him. Then the widening of the eyes, something like that, then the use of mannerisms".