domingo, 24 de outubro de 2010

U.S., China discuss economic ties amid tension

Beijing, China (CNN) -- U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner met China's Vice-Premier Wang Qishan on Sunday and "exchanged views" about economic relations between their countries, both sides said.
The meeting came shortly after Geithner publicly hammered China over its currency, which Washington says Beijing keeps at artificially low levels to boost exports.
Geithner had urged the world's leading finance ministers to take strong action to ensure emerging markets nations allow their currency to rise in value in line with the free market.
The worry is that if such currency manipulation continues, it could wreak havoc on international trade.
He insisted that "countries that have traditionally run large trade and current account surpluses" -- which China has done -- needed to move "away from export dependence and toward stronger domestic demand led growth".
He said rich countries like the United States needed to play their part too by saving, investing and exporting more.