sábado, 23 de outubro de 2010

WikiLeaks website publishes classified military documents from Iraq

Washington (CNN) -- The whistle-blower website WikiLeaks published nearly 400,000 classified military documents from the Iraq war on Friday, calling it the largest classified military leak in history.
The latest round of leaked documents provides a new picture of how many Iraqi civilians have been killed, a new window on the role that Iran has played in supporting Iraqi militants and many accounts of abuse by Iraqi's army and police, according to The New York Times.
The Times was one of a handful of news organizations that was provided early access to the papers.
According to new documents, the vast majority of slain civilians were killed by other Iraqis.
The U.S. military is notifying Iraqis named in the documents, Pentagon Press Secretary Geoff Morrell told CNN.
"There are 300 names of Iraqis in here that we think would be particularly endangered by their exposure," he said. "We have passed that information on to U.S. Forces Iraq. They are in the process right now of contacting those Iraqis to try to safeguard them".
The Pentagon had not previously warned Iraqi civilians who have cooperated with the United States that their names may be posted on the Internet.