JUNEAU, Alaska, Nov. 9 (UPI) -- Absentee ballots in Alaska take the spotlight Tuesday in the still-unresolved race for the U.S. Senate.
The state Division of Elections was to begin counting more than 30,500 absentee ballots cast Election Day and Joe Miller, the Tea Party and Sarah Palin-supported GOP candidate, says he hopes the count will help narrow the gap between him and write-in candidate Sen. Lisa Murkowski, the Anchorage Daily News reported.
The Division of Elections was expected to begin counting write-in ballots Wednesday to see how many of them list Murkowski's name. The majority of the 83,201 write-ins are expected to be for the incumbent, the newspaper said.
Both sides have named legal teams to monitor the counts and prepare for possible court challenges.
In the party primary, Miller upended Murkowski, who later decided to mount a write-in campaign as an independent. If she is declared the winner, Murkowski said she would caucus with Republicans.