sexta-feira, 19 de novembro de 2010

US, allies look to take NATO from Cold War relic to relevance now

(CNN) -- With the Cold War behind them, NATO members meeting this week in Lisbon, Portugal, will seek to assert their continued relevance.
At the Lisbon summit, NATO members will also adopt a new mission statement, or "strategic concept".
The strategic concept will aim to reinvigorate the NATO alliance 20 years after the end of the Cold War. Calling Lisbon, "one of the most important summits in the history of our alliance," NATO Secretary General Angers Fogh Rasmussen hopes the new global outlook will prove the organization is still relevant.
"No other organization can marshal, deploy and sustain NATO's military power," Rasmussen said last month."There will be other missions in future for which only NATO can fit the bill. We will have to be ready".