sábado, 4 de dezembro de 2010

Britons score low in wine knowledge

LONDON, Dec. 3 (UPI) -- Britons may be the second-biggest consumers of wine in the world but they're comparatively uninformed when it comes to wine knowledge, a survey shows.

Many are confused about the difference between the grape and the region a wine comes from, The Daily Telegraph said Friday.

More than half of Britons think Chablis is a type of grape when it is actually a region in France, and 43 per cent identified Chardonnay is a region in France when it is actually a grape, the newspaper said.

A survey by the Morrisons supermarket chain found many Britons still made their wine choices based on price, not quality or tradition.

Almost three-quarters of those surveyed said price is their main motivation when selecting a wine.
Morrison says it is increasing the number of its in-store specialists to help shoppers learn more about choosing wines and matching them with foods.

Almost one-third of shoppers surveyed said they didn't' consider it important to match their wine and the food. UPI