quinta-feira, 16 de dezembro de 2010

China launches propaganda 'Twitter'

China has launched Red Microblog, a propaganda site visually similar to Twitter, Britain's Daily Telegraph reports.
Red Twitter encourages people to write "text messages praising the country or the city," instead of writing ordinary daily updates telling what is new.
"Work hard, be honest and treat others well," "There is no sky larger than the hand, no road longer than the feet, no mountain higher than the people, no sea wider than the heart," and "Those who go with the flow are forever going up and down in the waves; only those who go against the wind fearing no hardship, can reach the other side fast," are also messages on the website's home page, the Telegraph reports.
The site became a part of China's Propaganda chief Li Changchun's call for local government to support new media. Red Twitter fully operates around China, where the original Twitter site remains censored.
Internet censorship in China is one of the strictest in the world. Last year, China blocked Youtube on its territory. In March, Google decided to close its Internet search service based in inland China over censorship concerns and will direct Chinese users to a Hong Kong-based uncensored version of its search engine. RIA Novosti