segunda-feira, 6 de dezembro de 2010

Human Rights Watch starts Lebanon unit

BEIRUT, Lebanon, Dec. 6 (UPI) -- Human Rights Watch has established a committee in Beirut, its first in the Middle East, to boost its advocacy in Lebanon and the region, the group said Monday.

"The Beirut committee of Human Rights Watch brings together committed and influential Lebanese to raise awareness of human rights issues, and to apply pressure at the highest levels to achieve change," said Hassan Elmasry, a member of the group's international board. "They share one vision: a Lebanon and a world ... where the rights of all people are respected".

The Beirut committee is one of 19 around the world that seek to increase awareness of local and global concerns.

The founding members, with experience in law, business, philanthropy and academia, are Chadia El Meouchi, Ali Ghandour, Mohamed Alem, Farouk Jaber and Paul Salem.

Human Rights Watch has worked on Lebanon issues since the 1990s and has had staff Beirut since 2006. It documented attacks on civilians during the Israel-Hezbollah war in 2006 and successfully pushed for a treaty banning cluster bombs. UPI