sábado, 18 de dezembro de 2010

In Iraq, a new government could be around the corner

Baghdad, Iraq (CNN) -- Iraq moved a couple of steps closer Saturday to forming a government after a maddening year marked by political squabbling and paralysis.
Parliament on Saturday lifted a ban on three politicians who were barred from participating in Iraqi elections because of purported links to Saddam Hussein's banned political movement -- the Baath Party.
Incumbent Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki plans to present his new Cabinet to parliament Monday for approval, state TV reported.
The moves promise to end Iraq's political stalemate and lead to the installation of a new government.
The inconclusive national elections took place on March 7, but politicians, most particularly al-Maliki and former Prime Minister Ayad Allawi were unable to forge a compromise for a government.
The three reinstated politicians -- Saleh al-Mutlaq, Dhafer al-Ani, and Jamal al-Karbooli -- read a pledge condemning crimes by the Baath Party and its members.
Out of the 170 parliament members present, 109 voted to lift the ban.
The lifting of the ban was a top requirement made by al-Maliki's rival bloc, al-Iraqiya -- led by Allawi. CNN