sexta-feira, 17 de dezembro de 2010

Venezuela parliament gives Hugo Chavez more powers

Venezuela's parliament has granted President Hugo Chavez special powers to deal with the aftermath of devastating floods.
Mr Chavez will be able to pass laws by decree, without needing the support of congress, for 18 months.
His critics say the move will turn the country into a near-dictatorship.
They accuse him of taking advantage of the floods to strengthen his grip on power before a new congress is sworn in in January.
This is the fourth time Mr Chavez has been given such authority since he came to office almost 12 years ago.
He had asked to able to rule by decree for a year to address the emergency caused by floods and landslides that have killed around 40 people and left 140,000 homeless.
But the National Assembly extended the period to 18 months.
The head of the Assembly, Cilia Flores, said lawmakers were responding to the demands of flood victims.
"So that they can have their streets, their highways, public services, electricity, everything to live in dignity, we are going to hear their proposals and concerns," she said.
Mr Chavez says he has already drawn up "a battery" of 20 new laws which he will pass by decree.
They include measures to raise value-added tax to fund reconstruction and build thousands of homes for flood victims. BBC News