quinta-feira, 13 de janeiro de 2011

Russia unlikely to make companies liable for corruption

Russia is unlikely to adopt anti-corruption measures recommended by the Group of States Against Corruption (GRECO), a presidential aide said on Thursday.
"Media reports that Russia has pledged to implement this recommendation are not true," said Larisa Brycheva, the head of the president's main legal department.
She said the convention on corruption placed Russia under no obligation to make legal entities liable for criminal prosecution.
"This recommendation can not be executed because it does not take into account the peculiarities of Russian legislation," she added, noting that neither Soviet nor post-Soviet laws allowed for the criminal responsibility of legal entities for corruption.
She also said Russia could not reduce the number of individuals that have immunity from prosecution.
Brycheva added that Russia would explain its actions to GRECO.
Russia became the 44th member of the Group of States Against Corruption in 2007.
President Dmitry Medvedev has made fighting corruption a priority since his election in 2008 but so far with little result. RIA Novosti