quarta-feira, 2 de fevereiro de 2011

Woman who taunted dying child must move

DETROIT, Feb. 2 (UPI) -- The Michigan woman who posted pictures of a dying child on the Internet must move from her home as part of a plea agreement, court officials said.

Jennifer Petkov, 33, reached a plea agreement Tuesday after pleading guilty to assault and battery against a neighbor, The Detroit News reported.

The charges stemmed from allegations Petkov tried to run over a neighbor with her car. Judge Carole Youngblood sentenced the defendant to 18 months' probation with a number of conditions, including a requirement she move out of her Trenton neighborhood, the Wayne County Prosecutor's Office said in a statement.

Petkov and her husband, Scott, have had long-running squabbles with neighbors, including relatives of Kathleen Edward, 7, who has Huntington's disease, a terminal condition, the News said. Last fall, Petkov posted on the Internet an image of the girl's face and crossed bones, as well as a picture of the girl's mother, who died in 2009 of the same condition, embraced by the grim reaper. (The family wasn't part of the current court matter).

Among other things, Petkov was ordered to undergo psychological and substance abuse evaluations, and participate in any recommended treatment; attend anger management counseling and have no contact with the neighbor who filed the complaint. A violation would result in Petkov serving 93 days in the Wayne County Jail, the prosecutor's office said. UPI