Iranian police have fired tear gas to disperse opposition supporters mounting protests in the capital Tehran.
A BBC correspondent in Tehran said large numbers of riot police and militia on motorcycles in the city centre broke up any crowds that formed.
The unrest comes a day after websites close to opposition leaders Mir Hossein Mousavi and Mehdi Karroubi said they had been jailed.
The government has denied this, saying the two men were at home.
The BBC's Mohsen Agsari in Tehran said by early evening the security forces appeared to have full control of the streets.
The Basiji militia were chanting victory slogans, he said.
Earlier, despite the presence of security forces in Tehran's main streets and squares, sporadic gatherings were held close to the main Azadi square, our correspondent said.
Demonstrators chanting "Ya Hossein, Mir Hossein" were immediately attacked by the police.
After night fell, demonstrators made random protests, using the cover of darkness to confuse the security forces, our correspondent adds.
Police blocked the focal point of the demonstrations, Eskandari street, at both ends, sending bikers to disperse the protesters. BBC News