segunda-feira, 26 de julho de 2010

Moscow - good for traffic, tough for business

As Moscow grumbles its way through a summertime traffic meltdown, it’s a surprise to meet someone who brightly talks about how convenient it is to get around town.
But that can-do attitude is a key part of tackling the day-to-day problems many expats face around town.
And it’s a surprising range of challenges, from the big stuff like housing to seemingly minor things like finding an organic supermarket.
For Ekaterina Alekseeva is confident that, regardless of Moscow’s bad reputation, settling into a sometimes baffling new home doesn’t have to be hard going.
“Coming to live in Moscow can be easy – that was my main idea for the business,” she said, explaining how she came up with the idea of Moscow Expat Support. “It can be very easy to live here and work here if you find the right person to help you with a few small issues which can combine to make it very difficult”.
Most of the “small issues” revolve around finding a place to live and getting the kids into a kindergarten or school. Then there are questions about setting up mobile phones, bank accounts and other day-to-day issues.
More offbeat requests might include advice on finding organic food around town or getting a steady supply of Tetley’s teabags to Moscow.
The Moscow News