Giant hammock a hit in Boston park
BOSTON, Aug. 20 (UPI) -- The creators of a 264-square-foot hammock in Boston said it will become a gift to the city when their permit to keep it in a park expires.
Hansy Better Barraza, 34, who won a $1,000 grant from the Awesome Foundation for her idea, said the hammock was completed Sunday in the Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Greenway and a kick-off party is scheduled for Friday at 1:30 p.m., The Boston Globe reported.
Philip Glenn, 24, who has been manning the hammock 8 hours a day for Barazza, said it has already been a big hit with park visitors.
"We've had lots of kids playing on it, rolling around, a lot of people just taking afternoon naps," Glenn said.
Barazza said her permit to keep the hammock in the park will expire Sept. 4, when she plans to present it as a gift to the city. UPI