terça-feira, 21 de setembro de 2010

Commonwealth Games: India vows to fix Delhi village

Senior officials in Delhi have insisted that the Indian capital will be ready to host the Commonwealth Games.
The comments come after the athletes' accommodation was criticised and branded as unfit for human habitation.
International delegates have said the facilities are filthy and unhygienic, just days before athletes arrive.
A senior official said Westerners had "different standards" of hygiene, but that the site was being thoroughly cleaned before the opening.
Delegates who visited the tower blocks where athletes will live during the games had described them as filthy, with rubble lying in doorways, dogs inside the buildings, toilets not working and excrement "in places it shouldn't be".
Speaking at a news conference in Delhi, Lalit Bhanot, secretary general of the Delhi organising committee, said the authorities understood the concerns shown by some member countries and the Commonwealth Games Federation (CGF).
But he suggested that the complaints could be due to "cultural differences".
"Everyone has different standards about cleanliness. The Westerners have different standards, we have different standards," he said.
Mr Bhanot said the situation was "under control" and that he was "sure and confident" that cleaning in the residential areas would be complete by the time teams start arriving on 23 September.
He said he had visited many athletes' villages over the years and had never known one of such high quality.
"This is a world-class village, probably one of the best ever," he said.
BBC News