terça-feira, 21 de setembro de 2010

Virus infects D.C. tweeters

WASHINGTON, Sept. 21 (UPI) -- Count the powerful in Washington among the many Twitter users powerless against a virus that infested the popular micro-blogging site.

Twitter accounts of both White House spokesman Robert Gibbs and Rep. Rob Wittman, R-Va., were attacked, The Hill reported Tuesday.

Across the pond, Sarah Cameron, the wife of British Prime Minister David Cameron, also was victimized.

After her account posted an infected tweet, she sent a warning to her followers "Don't touch the earlier tweet -- this Twoter (sic) feed has something very odd going on," The Washington Times reported.

Another social media site, Mashable, reported the bug was caused by a security flaw on Twitter.com, The Hill said. Users unknowingly were being directed to third-party Web sites, including pornography sites, by mousing over infected links.