terça-feira, 21 de setembro de 2010

Music bus to entertain Santa Fe riders

SANTA FE, N.M., Sept. 21 (UPI) -- A New Mexico city's crosstown bus next fall will feature live musicians partly in an attempt to bridge the segregated city, an artist said.

The writers, composers, musicians and actors of Littleglobe, a Santa Fe artists' collective, Sunday performed a test run of a bus opera titled "Crosstown #5," marking the first time the group rehearsed on a moving bus, the Santa Fe New Mexican reported.

The group has been working out the project in a stationary bus for months, said Valerie Martinez, one of Littleglobe's artistic directors.

The bus performance effort, which travels from poorer to wealthier parts of town, expresses "some of our sadness over the fact that Santa Fe has become segregated. I envision the bus as a thread that kind of pulls us all together," Martinez said.

The performance includes actors in costume near the road along the route, the New Mexican reported.